Stewardship & Giving

The Stewardship and Development Office provides resources to congregations around year round stewardship, annual campaigns, and planned giving. The focus is on a theology of abundance, understanding that all we have are gifts from God, so Christian Stewardship is our reflection of giving back to God in gratitude for all that has been given to us. The diocesan stewardship program operates on a holistic approach, with resources and efforts aimed at the Four Fields of Giving: Annual Giving; Legacy Giving; Capital Giving; Mission Giving. Stewardship of the environment and year round stewardship are also emphasized in partnership with other program groups in the diocese. Stewardship is key to congregational development, it is not just about money, but about integrating stewardship into one’s life as a Christian, giving back to God from all the gifts God has given to us.
Report a gift in your will or trust.
Bequest tool for use in notifying the diocese of a bequest.
Donation Processing Policy through our online giving portal.
Slide deck from Bishop Rickel's afternoon April 28, 2020 webinar on stewardship.
Slide deck from Bishop Rickel's morning April 28, 2020 webinar on stewardship.
Donations can now be made to individual churches through the main Diocese of Olympia giving account. The diocese will manage sending each church whatever funds are donated to them along with a report...
This resources is an outline of the components of effective missional Annual Pledge Campaigns. Follow this guide and set out on a journey of connecting annual giving to the mission and vision of your...
These acknowledgement cards are printed on Parchment or Velum and inserted into the Christmas Cards sent to the honorees
Example of an Advent gift brochure.
Example of an Advent gift brochure.
Example of an Advent gift brochure.
These are sample letters written by a priest in charge of a congregation during the Annual Pledge Campaign segmented into two groups in the congregation, Pledgers and Non-Pledgers. This letter is not...
This is a sample of a letter written by a warden of a congregation during the Annual Pledge Campaign. This letter in particular could be sent in the middle of the Annual Pledge Campaign. It includes...
This is a sample of a letter written by a priest in charge of a congregation during the Annual Pledge Campaign. This letter in particular would be accompanied by a pledge card and a return envelope...
Bishop John and Shirley MacNaughton presented this wonderful resource at a 2010 Stewardship Workshop using scripture as a basis for developing our stewardship stories. This resources walks you through...
This resource was created from a workshop given by Archbishop Douglas Hambidge addressing stewardship conversations in parish life. “There is a danger in talking about stewardship – we have so much to...
This is an Annual Campaign Plan that centers on the themes of Love and Redemption and is tied to the name of the congregation, Church of the Redeemer. Themes can be a very effective way to reach the...
This is an Annual Campaign Plan that centers on the theme of Creation and a recent install of stained-glass windows in the church. This campaign is well-planned and connects the giving and ministries...
Our environment (God’s Creation) has been damaged by human activity, particularly by over-use and misuse of fossil resources. The damage we have done is still reversible, but may become irreversible...
In 2005, the Diocese of Bethlehem’s Stewardship Commission was looking for new, brief, and easy ways to help parishes implement year-round stewardship programs. They decided to create small...
In 2005, the Diocese of Bethlehem’s Stewardship Commission was looking for new, brief, and easy ways to help parishes implement year-round stewardship programs. They decided to create small...
In 2005, the Diocese of Bethlehem’s Stewardship Commission was looking for new, brief, and easy ways to help parishes implement year-round stewardship programs. They decided to create small...
A Powerpoint presentation on the overview of stewardship, four types of giving and building a holistic stewardship team.
The Planned Giving/Stewardship Office of the Diocese offers the free services of handling stock gifts to benefit congregations, the diocese, or any Episcopal ministry. For your convenience click on...
These prayers have been collected for use primarily at church services on the Feast of St. Francis, usually the first Sunday in October, when many churches include a Blessing of the Animals. They are...
This document will help you to manage and start or restart your Planned Giving Legacy Ministry in your congregation.
This Tithe and Percentage Giving resource gives a quick look at individual annual income and weekly income along with the weekly gift to meet the Tithe and other percentage giving. This particular...
This resource provides a listing of several easy-to-do activities that can make celebrating the Sunday closest to April 22, Earth Day, a fun informative day that can shape good environmental...
This resource not only can help to raise additional funds for your ministries or worthy ministries outside your congregation, but it also helps to teach stewardship through alternative gift giving...
PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation...and overview of the 4 types of giving and list of best practices.
Suggestions for effective stewardship, written by Mary McGregor, Diocese of Texas
The sample matrix provides examples of activities.
The Matrix is designed to set a framework for practicing year round stewardship. Note if you would like an Excel version of the Matrix, email
This document explains the purpose and how to use the Year Round Stewardship Matrix
Bullet points of what stewardship is and isn't.
Document with suggestions for creating a Wills Awareness Program, Legacy Society and Planned Giving program.
Brochure of Seven Spiritual Practices: A Faithful Steward's Guide. To request copies of this brochure, email
Have you made provisions in your estate plans to include a bequest to your congregation, the Diocese, or any Episcopal Institution? If so, you qualify to be a member of the Diocese of Olympia's Bishop...
A PDF of the presentation on the overview of stewardship, four types of giving and building a holistic stewardship team.
Power Point presentation overview of four types of giving and list of best practices.
Chart showing giving % at various income levels combined with a sample pledge card
Brochure about what it means to give including chart about tithing.
Quotes from the Bible and others about stewardship.
Bullet points about what stewardship is.
Brochure with different reasons people give. Copies of this brochure are available by contacting the Diocese at
List of 10 reasons for tithing
Guidelines for personal stewardship witness story
Some does and don'ts plus stewardship resources, created by Bishop Greg Rickel and Tom Gossen from TENS.
Brochure with list of components as "Better Practices" for developing the Stewardship ministry.
Planning kit for your congregation's Legacy Society.
Life Planning Manual created by the Stewardship and Development Office of the Diocese of Olympia. For a version in Word, send an email to
Time saving tips on greening your church kitchen
Tips on handling leftovers and kitchen waste to promote a greener church kitchen
Food choice tips for greening your church kitchen
Tips on using dishes and napkins to promote a greener church kitchen
Tips on cleaning materials for greening your kitchen
Ideas for making your congregation more environmentally friendly
The Genesis Covenant is an invitation to every community of faith to take action to reverse global warming.
Gifts can come in a variety of forms to congregations. It is good to have a set of policies in place to guide decisions on accepting certain gifts that may be out of the norm. A gift acceptance policy...