
Form to be filled out by employee as proof of childhood immunizations
Form to be filled out by health care provider for proof of childhood immunizations
The purpose of this paper is to present a roadmap for churches and faith organizations to prepare for and respond to potential cybersecurity and data recovery issues that may arise for themselves and...
Guidelines for reopening Diocesan House due to Covid-19
Immunization Policies adopted by Diocesan Council, June 24, 2021
Covid-19 Vaccination Policies adopted by Diocesan Council, June 24, 2021
A resource for ordering and arranging name badges for churches
Donation Processing Policy through our online giving portal.
The following job description is for Parishes only, not for Missions. If you are part of a Parish or Mission and would like to be connected with the Diocesan Chancellor, please contact the Bishop and...
Best practices for conducting a Virtual Annual Meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions
Guidelines for Conducting a Virtual Annual Meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions
In February 2020 the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church (TEC) adopted a Model DFMS (Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society) Vaccination Policy for Youth Events, and encouraged dioceses and...
Template created by the diocesan Personnel Commission for use by congregations in creating or updating the Congregation Personnel Handbook. A Word version is available by request.
Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) - Update Mandatory Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) went into effect in January 2020 and is the family leave benefit program for...
The following documents are available for preparation of a Bishop's Visitation in the Diocese of Olympia. Please note that the Planning Form, Readings, and Letters should be sent to the Office of the...
This document describes the lobbying rules for churches. There are two parts, the first which provides the legal information and the second which has FAQs pertaining to this.
This form is to be used as the planning form for an upcoming bishop's visitation. The document below can be used if need be. It must be downloaded, completed, and returned to the Office of the Bishop...
Current List of Supply Clergy. See PDF Roster linked below. If you are a canonically resident or licensed clergy who is available for supply, and is not currently on the list, please submit this form...
Guidelines for counseling centers connected to congregations.
Diocesan policy on unpaid assessments
The Canons and Constitution of the Diocese of Olympia describe various approvals required for certain financial transactions in congregations, including property transactions (buying, selling...
A list of recommendations and clarifications by The Church Insurance Agency Corporation (CIAC) in regards to pastoral counseling. Updated June, 2009.
These guidelines are for use by the requesting mission and the reviewing committee appointed by the Office of the Bishop
Requirements for Acceptable Use by Users/Renters of Church Property.
Diocesan policy regarding email, internet and social media use by church employees. This is now incorporated in the document Archives and Records Management.
Bishop Rickel's 10 Rules for Respect.
The visitation customary is designed to help plan for the visit of the Bishops.