Paid Sick Leave

Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) - Update

Mandatory Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave (PFML) went into effect in January 2020 and is the family leave benefit program for all eligible lay and clergy employees working for congregations & associated organizations in the Diocese of Olympia. This program is administered through the Employment Security Department. Congregations have the responsibility to pay the employee portion of the premium; employers with less than 50 employees (most if not all of our congregations) are exempt from paying the employer portion of the premium. The Estimate Calculator linked below can assist you in determining/confirming the employee/employer split. A congregation, by vestry/bishop’s committee action, chooses to either pay the employee premium or deduct the employee portion of the premium from employee’s paycheck. For more information: 


PFML How Paid Leave Works:

PFML Estimate Calculator: