Office of the Bishop

The Office of Bishop oversees the pastoral, administrative, and programmatic oversight for the diocese. This office coordinates all schedules for the Bishop including Sunday and weekly visitations. The topics on the left are in subcategories for easier search.
Un rito para la celebración y bendición de una santa unión (Opción 1). Haga clic aquí para la versión en inglés.
Form to be filled out by employee as proof of childhood immunizations
Form to be filled out by health care provider for proof of childhood immunizations
Este es un documento de recursos para el proceso de transición del clero. Para apoyar mejor a las congregaciones en transición, la Oficina del Obispo se complace en ofrecer tanto una guía escrita de...
A short summary of the duties and responsibilities for a senior and junior warden of a chuch. The information is from the Vestry Resource Guide, revised by Nancy Davidge, editor, and Susan Elliott...
This is a resource document for the clergy transition process. To better support congregations in transition, the Office of the Bishop is pleased to offer both a written Transition Clergy Resource...
Report on the results of the clergy wellness survey for 2020
Best practices for conducting a Virtual Annual Meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions
Guidelines for Conducting a Virtual Annual Meeting due to COVID-19 restrictions
The slide deck for the Clergy Wellness for Lay Leaders: Caring for Your Clergy During Covid Times.
Dear Clergy Colleagues and Lay Leaders in the Diocese of Olympia,We have all been in conversations about how to record, assess, and track virtual attendance at our worship services during this time of...
In February 2020 the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church (TEC) adopted a Model DFMS (Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society) Vaccination Policy for Youth Events, and encouraged dioceses and...
Slide deck from the webinar Regathering Considered: Legalities and Practicalities, dealing with the coronavirus and re-opening church buildings. Webinar held on June 10, 2020. Other Resources: Slide...
Slide deck from Bishop Rickel's afternoon April 28, 2020 webinar on stewardship.
Slide deck from Bishop Rickel's morning April 28, 2020 webinar on stewardship.
Here are the basic steps for approval if you wish to officiate at a wedding in the Diocese of Olympia and are not licensed or canonically resident. Requests should be made at least 60 days prior to...
This is the document for liturgical resources for marriage that was presented to the 79th General Convention in 2018. It includes liturgies, guidelines, and recommendations for use in same-sex wedding...
To: The Most Reverend Melissa Skelton, Bishop Provisional In accordance with the national canons: Canon III, 7b states: “Deacons shall report annually to the Bishop or the Bishop’s designee on their...
Issued January 2, 2019 A printable PDF version of Bishop Rickel's Pastoral Letter on the Suspension of the Statute of Limitations for Clergy Sexual Misconduct. The letter can be accessed in English...
The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer included here is structured to include all congregations, clergy and staff, the ministries and committees of the Diocese of Olympia. It is updated annually. A PDF of the...
The following are guidelines regarding the carrying of concealed firearms by staff and volunteers on Church property while an individual is acting as a volunteer or staff person for the Church.
The following are guidelines regarding the carrying of concealed firearms by members of the public and the congregation on Church property.
The following documents are available for preparation of a Bishop's Visitation in the Diocese of Olympia. Please note that the Planning Form, Readings, and Letters should be sent to the Office of the...
A newsletter for border and immigration resources. In addition, the following two Facebook groups offer other ways to connect: " Cruzando Fronteras, AZ"" Migration Spirituality"
A checklist of items necessary for a successful Visitation by the Bishop.
These are a series of four videos created by Canticle Communications for the Diocese of Washington.The speaker is Laura Stump Kennedy, a member of that diocese who used to be a paralegal with Catholic...
The following plan outlines needs that community members may have during and following a large-scale immigration raid (such as a workplace raid by immigration agents) and identifies people or entities...
Notes from meeting on Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
This document describes the lobbying rules for churches. There are two parts, the first which provides the legal information and the second which has FAQs pertaining to this.
This form is to be used as the planning form for an upcoming bishop's visitation. The document below can be used if need be. It must be downloaded, completed, and returned to the Office of the Bishop...
Current List of Supply Clergy. See PDF Roster linked below. If you are a canonically resident or licensed clergy who is available for supply, and is not currently on the list, please submit this form...
Annual report for accounting of diaconal/priestly activity during a calendar year can be found HERE.
Policies for those working with children or youth
Guidelines for counseling centers connected to congregations.
In an effort to help existing congregations think about and plan for financial stability and sustainability, here are some questions for congregational leaders to ask during their long-range planning...
Staff organizational chart for the office of the bishop. Updated January 2023
Many Vestries and Bishop's Committees ask for help on procedures for counting and handling money that protects the congregation, its leadership and finance ministry persons when it comes to handling...
The roles of the rector and the vestry.
This is a sample document to assist congregations in reviewing and/or establishing bylaws. The congregation's chancellor should be consulted as part of the process of amending or establishing bylaws.
This is a document that may be used after the election of the new members of the Vestry or Bishop's Committee as new members are commissioned to serve in their elected position. It is generally signed...
This document is a sample of a Vestry/BC Covenant signed by all members of the Vestry or Bishop's Committee at the first meeting after election of new members to the Vestry/BC. It establishes the...
A suggested list of the types of policies and procedures that a vestry might have or want to have for their congregations.
A checklist for duties of the vestry or Bishop's Committee person of the month
Monthly schedule sample for Vestries and Bishop's Committees
A sample for a mission and vision statement.
Worksheet for discerning a congregations God-given Core Passions
These prayers have been collected for use primarily at church services on the Feast of St. Francis, usually the first Sunday in October, when many churches include a Blessing of the Animals. They are...
Marriage Celebration Agreement, provided by the Rev. Kathleen Kingslight
The Celebration and Blessing of a Covenant Relationship (Option 2)
A Rite for the Celebration and Blessing of a Holy Union (Option 1) Click here for the Spanish version.
I Will Bless You, formerly known as A049 as passed at General Convention 2012
Policy on Same Sex Blessings in the Diocese of Olympia
Bishop's January 18, 2013 pastoral letter on same sex blessings
Diocesan policy on Eucharistic Visitors, also known as the Two by Two visitation policy.
Statement approved by the 1985 General Convention and the current policy for alcohol and alcoholic beverages at church functions in effect for the Diocese of Olympia.
Letter from Bishop Rickel concerning Episcopal school standards for the diocese.
Manual for responding to school standards
Policy on clergy discretionary accounts from the “Manual of Business Methods in Churches”. This is the policy that fits the national canon.
Suggested Diocesan Pastoral Care Polices and Procedures Guidelines
Worship Leader is a lay person who regularly leads public worship under the direction of the clergy or other leader. Most commonly this leadership is for the Daily Office, but may include other...
Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person authorized to take the Consecrated Elements following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were...
Eucharistic Minister is a lay person authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of Holy Eucharist. Eucharistic Ministers may serve the wine and/or bread, as determined by the...
A document addressing the function and role of the deacon in the Eucharist and various other special liturgies.
Report for retired and non parochial clergy listing services that have officiating at during the year
Bishop's Visitation Form for Confirmands and Receptions. This will be sent by the Office of the Bishop to the churches after a visit by the bishop. If it is not received shortly after the visitation...
Document by Irene Martin on history and curriculum of Total Common Ministry
A sample letter of agreement between a deacon, the bishop and the assigned church.
A list of recommendations and clarifications by The Church Insurance Agency Corporation (CIAC) in regards to pastoral counseling. Updated June, 2009.
These guidelines are for use by the requesting mission and the reviewing committee appointed by the Office of the Bishop
This document is to outline the process and procedures that are put into place when a complaint of sexual misconduct is made against a clergy person of the Diocese of Olympia.
2022 Mileage Reimbursement Rates The IRS reimbursement rate for business miles is 58.5 cents/mile The IRS reimbursement rate for volunteer miles remains at 14 cents/mile
A document on how to discuss clergy compensation with the vestry or bishop's committee and wardens.
Mutual ministry agreements between the vestry/BC and clergy regarding roles and responsibilities.
Gifts can come in a variety of forms to congregations. It is good to have a set of policies in place to guide decisions on accepting certain gifts that may be out of the norm. A gift acceptance policy...
Mission Insite provides instant access to community information for your church via The MI System. Mission Insite provides desktop, web-based access to demographic data for a variety of geographic...
Also known as the Clergy Handbook, Manual for Clergy in the Diocese, revised March, 2021.
The visitation customary is designed to help plan for the visit of the Bishops.
Expectations for clergy who serve or wish to serve in the Diocese of Olympia, Updated May, 2012.
This manual is not online. For further information or questions, please contact the Canon to the Ordinary.
This is a checklist for clergy with regards to appropriate use of church property.