Assessments and Parochial Information

Due by June 15 An annual financial audit is a canonical requirement of The Episcopal Church. Title 1, Canon 7, Sec. 1(f)-(g): (f) All accounts of the Diocese shall be audited annually by an...
Annual report for accounting of diaconal/priestly activity during a calendar year can be found HERE.
The Episcopal Church has adopted “Five Marks of Mission” to guide the work of its congregations. The marks are: To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom; To teach, baptize and nurture new believers...
In an effort to help existing congregations think about and plan for financial stability and sustainability, here are some questions for congregational leaders to ask during their long-range planning...
Diocesan policy on unpaid assessments
Report for retired and non parochial clergy listing services that have officiating at during the year
Mutual ministry agreements between the vestry/BC and clergy regarding roles and responsibilities.