
This collection of documents will help to prepare for the Bishop's visitation to a church in the diocese. Please be aware of the dates of some of these as they are time sensitive. Congregations who would like to schedule a visitation should have the Rector/Vicar/Priest-in-Charge contact Bishop LaBelle directly via email. Contact the Executive Assistant to the Office of the Bishop with any questions at

The following documents are available for preparation of a Bishop's Visitation in the Diocese of Olympia. Please note that the Planning Form, Readings, and Letters should be sent to the Office of the...
A checklist of items necessary for a successful Visitation by the Bishop.
This form is to be used as the planning form for an upcoming bishop's visitation. The document below can be used if need be. It must be downloaded, completed, and returned to the Office of the Bishop...
A document addressing the function and role of the deacon in the Eucharist and various other special liturgies.
Bishop's Visitation Form for Confirmands and Receptions. This will be sent by the Office of the Bishop to the churches after a visit by the bishop. If it is not received shortly after the visitation...
The visitation customary is designed to help plan for the visit of the Bishops.