The supply clergy compensation rates for 2025 are as follows: Sunday/primary liturgy* with preaching: One liturgy $323.10; additional consecutive liturgies $73.53 each. Sunday/primary liturgy* without...
This is the 2025 Parochial Clergy compensation schedule passed at convention. This document outlines clergy compensation based on congregational grade.
The following policies and procedures relate to records that are confidential, private or privileged. These records are created in the course of conducting business for the Diocese of Olympia. The...
All records created or received by the employees or agents of the Diocese of Olympia within the scope of their employment or responsibilities will be considered the records of the diocese. The Diocese...
This manual of records management guidelines is designed for parish officers and administrators, including the custodian of records and archives or the parish archivist. It includes a general records...
This is the 2024 Parochial Clergy compensation schedule passed at convention. This document outlines clergy compensation based on congregational grade. Click here for the Spanish version.
Este es el calendario de compensación del clero parroquial de 2024 aprobado en la convención. Este documento describe la compensación del clero según el grado congregacional. Haz clic aquí para la...
In March 2022, the Diocesan Council, upon recommendation of the diocesan Personnel Commission, froze congregation grades at 2022 levels through at least the end of 2023. Congregational grades for 2023...
The Global Mission Grant Utilization form is the documentation used to confirm that the money given in the Global Mission Grant process is being used in the way that the applicant said it would be...
Deadline is September 30, 2023. NOTE: This form does not autosave, so download the PDF file and fill out on your local computer, then email when completed.
Este es el calendario de compensación del clero parroquial de 2023 aprobado en la convención. Este documento describe la compensación del clero según el grado congregacional al precio a hora. Haz clic...
This is the 2023 Parochial Clergy compensation schedule passed at convention. This document outlines clergy compensation based on congregational grade at an hourly rate. Click here for the Spanish...
Este es el calendario de compensación del clero parroquial de 2023 aprobado en la convención. Este documento describe la compensación del clero según el grado congregacional. Haz clic aquí para la...
This is the 2023 Parochial Clergy compensation schedule passed at convention. This document outlines clergy compensation based on congregational grade. Click here for the Spanish version.
Congregational grades for 2021 for parishes and missions. This refers to the congregation grade for churches which helps to determine clergy compensation and assessment values. The congregational...
Donations can now be made to individual churches through the main Diocese of Olympia giving account. The diocese will manage sending each church whatever funds are donated to them along with a report...
The supply clergy compensation rates for 2025 are as follows: Sunday/primary liturgy* with preaching: One liturgy $323.10; additional consecutive liturgies $73.53 each. Sunday/primary liturgy* without...
The following guidelines, objectives and restrictions have been recommended by the INVESTMENT COMMITTEE to establish parameters for the investment management of the THE JAMES F. HODGES DIOCESAN...
Due by June 15 An annual financial audit is a canonical requirement of The Episcopal Church. Title 1, Canon 7, Sec. 1(f)-(g): (f) All accounts of the Diocese shall be audited annually by an...
Procedure for Documentation of Sale or Other Disposable of Moveable Assets by Missions of Diocesan Organizations. rocedure for Documentation of Sale or Other Disposal of Movable Assets by Missions or...
The Episcopal Church has adopted “Five Marks of Mission” to guide the work of its congregations. The marks are: To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom; To teach, baptize and nurture new believers...
In an effort to help existing congregations think about and plan for financial stability and sustainability, here are some questions for congregational leaders to ask during their long-range planning...
The Canons and Constitution of the Diocese of Olympia describe various approvals required for certain financial transactions in congregations, including property transactions (buying, selling...
2022 Mileage Reimbursement Rates The IRS reimbursement rate for business miles is 58.5 cents/mile The IRS reimbursement rate for volunteer miles remains at 14 cents/mile
Business Methods in Church Affairs (link to the main Episcopal church website). Updated Dec., 2019. Manual de Métodos Comerciales en Asuntos de la Iglesia ( enlace al sitio web de la iglesia episcopal...