B.2 Nomination Report (2017)

B.2-draft Nominations Report reflects information received by October 4. Additional information and, hopefully, a full slate of candidates will be presented at the convention. If you are interested in standing for election to an open position please send an email to nominations@ecww.org. Below is the current slate of nominees.
Standing Committee
Clerical Order: Steve Danzey, Good Samaritan, Sammamish; Arienne Davison, St. Bede, Port Orchard; Kendall Haynes, St. Matthew, Tacoma
Lay Order: Not yet identified
Diocesan Council
Be Attitudes – lay: Joslin Harris-Gane, Christ Church, Seattle
Columbia – lay: Libby Jensen, Good Shepherd, Vancouver
Eastside – clergy: Jim Eichner, Holy Cross, Redmond
Evergreen – lay: David Coburn, St. James, Kent
Peninsula – clergy: Gail Wheatley, St. Andrew, Port Angeles
Rainier – lay: Not yet identified
Sno Isle – clergy: Drew Foisie, St. Aidan, Camano Island
Willapa – clergy: Not yet identified
Officers of Convention
Secretary: Karen Gusse
Archivist & Records Manager: Diane Wells
Treasurer: Barbara Fox
Historiographer: Br. Carle Griffin
Candidates for the Position of 4th Alternate to General Convention 2018 - Clerical Order
Gail Wheatley, St. Andrew, Port Angeles
Eric Stelle, St. John, Gig Harbor
With a 150-word limit, each candidate was asked to review the job description for the position and discuss how their gifts, experiences, skills, and interests would aid this work, and how they would invigorate and/or stimulate the ministry of the particular diocesan leadership group. You can view this information in document B.2.

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